Saturday, February 21, 2009

Stupid Dog

While I was taking a shower, my dog knocked over a bottle of Advil. By the time I got out of the shower, she was happily chewing on the plastic bottle, I could only find one complete tablet left, and I had no idea how many tablets were in the bottle to start with.

I took her to the vet right away, and apparently dogs absorb medicine so rapidly that it would have been pointless to pump her stomach or to make her vomit. So he gave me some other pills, and told me to keep her hydrated and bring her back if she starts puking blood.

But she hasn't been puking, or had diarrhea, or anything, and this happened about 3 hours ago. Advil is one of the worst things that doggies can eat, and while she's a decent size dog (about 40 pounds now), eating maybe 10 or 15 tablets is not a good thing.

Stupid dog. I hope she's OK.

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