Wednesday, January 16, 2008


I tend to leave packing to the last minute. It has to get done sooner or later, so it always does. It ends up not taking all that long when you just throw everything into the case and boxes, do a quick once-over to make sure you haven't left anything too egregious.

Unless I'm motivated, though, unpacking can take me a lifetime. Motivation includes, and is mostly exclusive to, a place where I want to be. After moving into new apartments, I'm unpacked within a day or two, with my closet the most organised it will ever be, dishes washed, shoes lined up under the coat rack.

My suitcase is still sitting in the foyer, chez maman. Five days later.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Mormon TV

I returned chez maman to the discovery that the 70ish channels that existed the last time I was back had been replaced by 200+ channels.

There are now 7 different MTV's 5 different VH1's, 3 gospel channels, Korean news, and 9 public access channels.

But my new favourite TV channel? BYU TV. That's right. For some ungodly reason, channel 265 is Brigham Young University TV.

For the past hour, I have been watching Randy L. Bott, inspiring lecturer, talk about how the power of optimism and happiness can be applied to marriages, and with the power of the Book of Mormon, can solve any marriage crisis. Even one involving disobedient children. Who seem like they may have come out of left field. Gollee, where did these durn y'urn rascals spring forth from? You can have five kids who are well behaved, but that one who's trouble - who's a challenge put before you by god...

God bless and save the USA.